Jacob Morscher and Louisa Morscher
Tombstone of:
Jacob Morscher (born 3-3-1813, died 3-28-1901)
Louisa Morscher (born 12-19-1815, died 2-8-1902)
This stone is located in the little "Prarie" cemetary, a few miles
south of Loudonville, Ohio. The cemetary is right behind the "Landoll's Mohican Castle",
which is a bed and breakfast in the middle of the wilderness. The
"Landoll's Mohican
Castle" web site even has a picture of
the Prarie cemetary with Morscher tombstone visible.
We know absolutely nothing about
Jacob Morscher or Louisa Morscher except that they share our name and
both lived
very long lives. Here are some photos taken on 8-29-2004:

Here I am on the left, with my dad Arnold Morscher (senior) on the
right. We are busily shoring up the tombstone with rocks, cement
and fill.

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