Part Three
Dr. Morscher's photos of

May 6, 2007

Go to Part:  One, Two

Before the show, one last warmup at the barre's
Joe Von Enk, who is a professional graphic artist, has been our official videographer for several years.
Joe Nicklos, RYBC Board Member bringing in bags of ice.

Setting up the lobby.

RYBC Board Members, Terri Ambrose and Jill Nickell.

Dave our lighting guy up in the booth.

Steve Baker, RYBC Stage Crew heading up to the booth.

RYBC Board Members, Terri Ambrose and Donna Bonvissuto at "Bakery Table".

Getting ready!
Waiting to go on!
Still waiting!
Watching from the wings.

"Friends and Enemies". "Friends and Enemies".
Action fills the stage in "Friends and Enemies". Our other professional photographer, Marc Anthony.
"Friends and Enemies".  "Friends and Enemies".
"Friends and Enemies". "Spinning around in a big line, "Friends and Enemies".
"Friends and Enemies". "Friends and Enemies".
Waiting for Act II to begin.

"Dance Danube"
"Dance Danube" "Dance Danube"
"Dance Danube" "Dance Danube"
"The Race" "The Race"
"The Race" Getting competitive in "The Race."
It is a fight to the finish in
"The Race."
Waiting for Act III to begin!
"Dance For Six". 
Watching from the wings.
"Dance For Six".  "Dance For Six". 
Action packed "Napoli." Introduction of the Pas de Six.
Finish for the Pas de Six.
The "Napoli Adagio."
Watching the action in "Napoli."
A "Napoli" soloist.

Mac's Variation.
More "Napoli."
Watching and waiting.
Another Napoli soloist.
Enjoying the dancing on stage.

Enjoying the dancing on stage.
Finale of the Pas de Six.
Waiting their turns.
Still waiting their turns.
The "Tarentella" begins.
Here come the Tambourines!
Nicole and Mac during the finale.
The "Napoli" finale continues. More Finale.
Preparing to finish!
Beautiful straight lines even at the finish.
Almost done!
The final bow!
Receiving the audiences claps.
Clapping for the audience!
Mrs. Morscher comes on stage.
Striking the set at the conclusion of the performances.
Ripping off the floor tape so the floor can be taken back to the RSB studio.

Go to Part:  One, Two

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